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10 Ways to Build Your Child's Communication Skills

Why Is Communication So Important In Children's Development?

Many children find it hard to put their thoughts into meaningful phrases, and they fail to communicate properly because they are always afraid of being judged.

And although parents want to educate their children on a variety of topics, somewhere along the way, the necessity of teaching younger children communication skills is overlooked. 

Your child’s life will be more difficult if he/she lacks adequate communication abilities. That’s why most children who develop communication skills might be more sociable and establish beneficial relationships. 

Overall, parents should educate their children to speak politely, confidently, and fluently. The child's age at which parents should start building their communication skills is roughly between the ages of 1 and 6.

10 Ways To Improve Your Child's Communication Skills

Help your child to learn and communicate more effectively in the following ways:

1. Provide Full Attention To Your Child

Paying attention entails more than just being physically there. It involves learning to listen to your children, converse with them, and respond to their behaviors.

Active listening and eye contact are the most important communication skills.

When your child is talking, listen carefully, and right after he/she finishes you can ask questions to keep the conversation going. Otherwise, he/she may feel disrespected or not important.

For example, if your kid is talking about a school assignment, ask about how he/she intends to bring it to life, provide suggestions, and talk about the equipment required in order to create it.

2. Acknowledge Your Child’s Feelings And Observe Their Emotions

Feelings might be hard to distinguish at times. Look at your child's body language, listen to what they're saying, and observe their behavior to get a sense of how they're feeling.

Understanding what they're experiencing and why they're feeling allows you to better assist them in identifying, expressing, and managing their emotions.

The first step in teaching children to identify feelings is to name them. It enables your kid to build an emotional lexicon, allowing them to express their emotions.

3. Try To See Things From Your Child’s Perspective

Listen to your child instead of criticizing or dismissing his or her sentiments, or categorizing them as ridiculous or illogical.

Consider his/her temperament and how it influences his/her reactions. Show your older child how to behave to circumstances in a more positive way by guiding them.

Use sentences like "I understand" and "I realize why this is distressing" to reassure your youngster and strengthen your relationship.

4. When Your Child Misbehaves, Focus On Constructive Feedback

Decades of studies show that rewarding what children have done well rather than penalizing what they have done incorrectly leads to greater improvement.

According to research, the correct kind of praise — commending a child's efforts, methods, or good acts — may motivate children to keep striving.

But, what should you do if your child makes a mistake?

When you have to cope with a mistake, don't pour on the embarrassment. Instead, teach your child to approach problems in a problem-solving manner. Assist your child to come up with solutions.

5. Encourage Your Child To Think of Solutions

Don't rush to address your child's problems for them when they emerge. Instead, assist them in completing the problem-solving processes. When they need help, provide it, but also encourage them to handle challenges on their own.

If they're having trouble coming up with ideas, jump in and assist them. But don't tell them what to do right away.

6. Play Games Together

Children learn, develop, and explore the world in a fun way - via play.

Playing with your young children provides several opportunities to converse and can be helpful. The more you play and converse with your kid, the more words he or she will hear.

This allows your kid to continue learning new words and improve communication skills. This is beneficial to your child's school communication and social skills, as well as their brain development.

Help your child develop through games - you can play board games, miming with puppets, or even pretend play using facial expressions.

7. Lead By Example

Your child learns from you.

If you want your child to have excellent speech and language abilities, you must first demonstrate that you have them. When it comes to improving language skills, a good rule of thumb is to speak somewhat above your child's level.

That way, they'll be challenged enough to continue developing their abilities.

8. Adopt A Habit Of Reading

Make an effort to read not just books but also everything that surrounds you. For instance, read the back of the cereal box during family meals, people's clothes, or even street signs. The more speech sounds and linguistic structure your child is exposed to, the sooner they will start to understand it.

Moreover, it's important to remember that you don't have to read books word for word. Instead, you can simply look at the photographs and discuss what you observe. That serves two purposes:

  • Your child will get the ability to use their imagination.
  • Your child improves their receptive and expressive language abilities.

Read at least one book every day and practice conversations.

Try to make it a habit to read a book with your kids every day before they take a nap and every night before they go to bed as part of your bedtime routine.

9. Give Compliments To Your Child

Children may benefit from ambiguous, happy messages, according to studies.

An encouraging gesture (like a high five) or an enthusiastic remark ("wow!") might elicit positive sentiments.

Similarly, process appreciation has been shown to be motivating.

Praise that acknowledges a child's decisions or hard effort is known as "process praise." For example:

  • "Way to go!"
  • "I like how you persisted in trying to pronounce that word rather than giving up."
  • "It's obvious that you've been practicing!"

10. Allow Time For Your Child To Answer Questions

Kids' brains, especially those of tiny children, often take a bit longer to come up with an answer, especially if they have trouble communicating. They simply require a bit more time to consider our questions.

We frequently find ourselves answering the question for them since they did not respond quickly enough. However, if we give them enough time, at least 5-20 seconds, they will be able to digest what has been said and respond.

This method aids in the processing of thoughts, the acquisition of language and speech, and the development of self-confidence in children.

Final Word

Above all, pay attention to your child when he/she is speaking. You should be a good listener, wait for your child to answer, and provide positive feedback when your child is engaging in communication with you.

Always try to put yourself in your child’s shoes and see things from his/her point of view. Furthermore, don’t resolve your child’s problems - try to encourage him/her to solve them instead. Also, don’t forget that communication can also be built through reading and playing games.

Lastly, you should ensure your children study in an environment that cultivates good communication skills such as Invictus International School. The world-renowned program at this school helps children develop into adults with strong communication abilities.