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Private School in Cambodia

Home > About Us > Meet Our Team > Academic Staff > Ms Uma Ban Jaday (Jaday)

Ms Uma Ban Jaday (Jaday)


Ms Uma Ban Jaday

Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology), Northumbria University

Primary Teacher

Ms Uma studied Bachelor of Science Biotechnology from Northumbria University. She then did internship for 3 months in Singapore. She continuously taught primary and secondary science, genetics and early childhood in Singapore, Burma and in the Middle East for 8 years .She's 29 years old, Nepalese Burmese, a Buddhist, loves beaches,mountains, making connections while travelling,food, horses and dogs. She considers her journey of teaching 3 years old as the most challenging. It taught her a lot about patience, kindness and compassion. She loves being friends with little ones and support them in all aspects and is quite protective about them.